Our motivation, passion and why come from the words of Dame Whina Cooper when she reminded everyone that today’s mokopuna are the future of Aotearoa. We have to make sure that what we are doing in ECE has a positive long-term impact.

About Us

What is our WHY - Educating Heart and Minds

We have had the distinct privilege of working alongside dedicated kaiako and inspiring leaders through various private contracts, comprehensive mentoring, engaging wānanga, and supportive SELO initiatives, which are funded by the Ministry of Education. The SELO contracts we have taken part in have offered both long-term, focused support centred on leadership development, manaakitanga, inclusive practice, infants and toddlers, and He Māpuna te Tamaiaki, all of which often involve collaborative clusters of ECE settings. Alternatively, these contracts have also provided valuable assistance to individual settings aiming to meet Licensing Criteria effectively. We genuinely love engaging in both of these significant efforts.

Our guiding mantra at Educating Hearts and Minds is deeply rooted in the profound whakatauki - He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tangata he tangata he tangata! This translates to highlight that it is indeed the people, the people, the people, that matter most, not merely the paper, the paper, the paper.

We continually strive to ensure that kaiako are genuinely connecting with the people within their settings, particularly the mokopuna and whānau. This connection is essential to ensure that what they are actively engaging in holds significant meaning and relevance to the learning lives of both the mokopuna and the kaiako. By supporting ECE settings to connect with their HEARTS and MINDS, we aim to create vibrant learning spaces that foster growth and development.

It is ultimately through intentional and thoughtful teaching and learning practices that the mokopuna of our mokopuna will not only survive but will truly thrive, thereby contributing positively to the future of Aotearoa.

Lynn Rupe

I have been mentoring teachers and leaders for 20 years and have come to realise that this is foundational for growing the successful future of Aotearoa.

Raechel Thompson

My philosophy is continually underpinned by our world-class curriculum, Te Whāriki.  I love talking about how Te Whāriki is a curriculum that supports whole communities to feel empowered.

Anita Rewa Johns

I have been in education for 17 years and in kaupapa Māori settings for the past 8 years. Throughout this time I have grown through many aspects of learning and experiences that have further moulded my workplace/ career passions and aspirations.

Michelle Flower

One of my favourite quotes about learning is by Sir Ken Robinson “the gardener does not make a plant grow.  The job of the gardener is to create optimal conditions”.

Ehara taku toa,i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini.

My success should not be bestowed onto me alone, as it was not individual success, but success of a collective. Cooperation of many can bring best results.