IKo Mauao te maunga

Ko Takitimu te waka

Ko Tauranga te moana

Ko Wairoa, ko Waikareao ngā awa

Ko Ngāti Ranginui te iwi

Ko Ngāti Kahu me Ngāi Tamarāwaho ngā hapū

Ko Wairoa me Huria ngā marae

He hononga āno tāku ki Ngāi Te Rangi,

Ngāti Pūkeko iwi, ki a Maniapoto, ki Te Arawa hoki.

Ko Anita tēnei e mihi ana.

I have been working in education for 17 years and in kaupapa Māori settings for the past 8 years. Throughout this time I have grown through many aspects of learning and experiences that have further moulded my workplace/ career passions and aspirations.

Knowing past histories of Māori, understanding and feeling the current atmosphere inside ECE and beyond plus aspiring for fruitful outcomes for Māori in the future, will be a strong foundation for my mahi at Educating Hearts and Minds.

Ehara taku toa,i te toa takitahi,engari he toa takitini.

My success should not be bestowed onto me alone, as it was not individual success, but success of a collective. Cooperation of many can bring best results.