Tēnā koutou, ko Michelle toku ingoa.
I am a wife, mama, daughter, sister, sister-in-law, aunty, friend, and kaiako. Home to me is where I am present with my whānau. My husband Greg and I live between Whangamatā and Kirikiriroa. We also like to spend time with our second son Justin who is living in Amsterdam. He has ignited a love of travelling in me.
Our oldest son Brad is a chef, we share a love of food and gathering around food cooked with aroha. These traits have been passed on by generations of our whānau for whom food was their love language.
There is nothing quite like being in the taiao and the māra for me. Hands deep in soil, and appreciating what each season brings. My fascination for plants spills into my home, where I like to create a peaceful plant jungle.
I enjoy sunrise swims and walking along the Waikato awa in the morning as the mist rises.
I have learnt over time that the key to longevity in this career that I love is to be mindful of your hauora.
My early childhood journey started in 1995 attending Playcentre with my sons. Learning through play, whānau as first teachers, creativity and learning alongside our tamariki are embedded in my way of being.
Since then I have been privileged to teach, learn and lead alongside some incredibly talented kaiako in three community settings and learn from my critical friends at ELP.
I believe you can feel the wairua of place when you walk through the door of a setting. This has much to do with the people who walk through the door each day. A community who is connected, authentic and practices reciprocal maanakitanga will value the identify of their tamariki, kaiako and whānau and uphold mana for all.
One of my favourite quotes about learning is by Sir Ken Robinson “the gardner does not make a plant grow. The job of the gardener is to create optimal conditions.
I am very humbled to join the Educating Hearts & Mind whānau and learn alongside you.
Kua rārangi tahi tātou he whāriki mātauranga mō ngā rangatira o āpōpō.
Together we will weave an education mat for our leaders of tomorrow.
Michelle’s contact email - Michelle@educatingheartsandminds.com
Ehara taku toa,i te toa takitahi,engari he toa takitini.
My success should not be bestowed onto me alone, as it was not individual success, but success of a collective. Cooperation of many can bring best results.