What you focus on grows
Strangely this week I have listened to Sylvester Stallone who was sharing some wise words on being able to look within for answers on fitnesses and healthy living. I am unsure how I even found myself listening to this iconic actor, not my usual go to for words of wisdom. However, what I have found is that everyone has a truth to share, that if we listen closely enough to there will be a message in there for us somewhere. I cannot guarantee that the message will always resonate, but my mantra this year is to always see the best in everyone. Sometimes this is easier said than done, other times it is a breeze. Importantly I cannot pick and choose who this commitment relates to.
This week I have been staying at Waiotahe, a beautiful beach not far from Opotoiki. It has been a working and resting holiday. (not much work more swimming and walking)
My ritual each morning and evening is to walk the beach, take photos and collect stones. Waiotahe Beach has amazing flat stone of all sizes. At the end of my walk I add the stones to a sequencing of sizes I have collected which are placed on a large log just by the beach entrance.
Roman, my moko, joined me for my walk yesterday. I stopped as normal to pick up a flat tan stone then explained to Roman that I will add this to my collection at the end of our walk. We hadn't gone too much further and I noticed another stone that would fit perfectly with the pattern. As I picked up the stone Roman asked, "How come you can see the stones Nanna? All I see is sand and my footprints."
The question caused me to pause and consider, how come I can see the stones? To me they stand out and are obvious. After a moment of reflection I said to Roman, "I think it is what I have trained myself to look for."
The conversation made me think of the words, 'what you focus on grows'. My line of stones has certainly grown.
Isn't this true of many aspects in life. What we focus on grows, if I focus on the positive things in life I will see more of these, if I focus on the hard and tumultous times I will see more of those. This is not about living totally with rose coloured galsses on, I can also see the shells and sand, but I have trained my brain to focus on what I want to see more of.
I wish you all a great 2022. A year in which you see the positives in all that you do. I know that I am continuing to ensure that my brain to sees the positives first. This year my goal is to always see the very best in people first, this take practice as often as the saying goes ‘we judge a book by its cover.' It is so easy to fall in to judgement, which usually errs of the side of negative thinking, rather than thinking about the possible best in everyone or every circumstance.
If we see the best in humanity I wonder what impact that will have on our own emotional wellbeing? Will we start to see a much better world when we start to change our focus? What do you want to see more of in your life in 2022? How will you remind yourself to see and acknowledge this in our life?