Educating Hearts and Minds

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Getting a better perspective

For quite some time now I have been putting ideas and photos together for a book titled Nature is Talking, Listen. When we are OPEN to hearing Nature’s voice it can be just what we need to hear. What makes us OPEN? Slowing down enough to hear, stopping with the intention to really listen.

Today as I sat on the beach I watched two gannets soar up skyward, glide high above the water and then dive to their target. It was fascinating to watch and of course it made me ponder and consider what is Nature telling me through this moment. Here are the two thoughts that I had today as I stopped and listened.

I thought of how the gannet does not hover too close to the water but rises way up high to get a broad view of the water below. What does this mean for me? Taking in the big picture, broadening my view as I set myself goals is probably a very good idea. Imagine the gannets just skimming the top of the water, would they have seen as much and worked out just where to put their energy, probably not. This creates a stronger sense of purpose, rather than aimlessly skimming the surface of potential.

Secondly, rising to the heights gave the gannets the momentum to cut effortlessly through the water to their target. What does this mean for me? If I soar on my passions, on the things that lift my spirit I am sure I will be able to gain the momentum to carry me through the tricky times whatever they might be.

Having a big picture view, knowing our goals and rising on our passions to gain momentum empowers us to keep going. In a study by Greenfield (2015) some of the contributing factors for resilience in teachers were - sense of purpose, hope, self-efficacy, problem-solving competence, reflection and reframing.

What Nature said today - take in the big picture, sometimes we need to lift our gaze to what is possible rather than looking too closely at just the surface where the resistance sits.

Allow our passions, interests and energies to give us the momentum and energy to cut through any resistance. The resistance might be to change, it might be old habits, it might be the barriers or giants in our heads, you will know what this is for you.

Find the passion, the sense of purpose, the dream and dive straight in.