What colour are you?
I’m not a big TV watcher, well that’s not entirely true, I watch On Demand TV so I can avoid adverts and the News. I do know though, that ACC run an ad campaign that says, ‘have a hmmm’. The hmmm is the pause that stops you from doing something that could cause an injury.
This week I had a couple of hmmmm moments, no I was not about to jump out of a plane again nor have another attempt at surfing, but I heard some words that made me stop and pause and think hmmmmmmm…….
I was visiting a centre for the first time this week and was greeted warmly by the centre manager. Looking at me then thinking about my last name Rupe her first question after the mandatory weather conversations was, “do you have a Māori husband?'“
In an earlier moment this week I was supporting a centre with a policy review regarding equity. The policy had the normal ‘we will not discriminate against age, ethnicity, martital status etc’ and they also had ‘colour’.